The following instructions will review how to access and edit the information and configuration settings on an ALX-LITE or ELITE chemical dispensing controller.
The video and instructions will go over:
Login levels
Language Settings
Units of Measure
Version # and Date of Manufacturing
Log in as an administrator.
Use ↑ and ↓ keys to select Unit Info/Config and press ENTER.
Use ↑ and ↓ keys to select an option, → and ← keys to change selections
Login Level: Switches the user login between Users, RFID, and Admin
NOTE: When User Login is set to Admin, the bottom of the home screen will not require a login code and will read Press START To Begin. When set to Users or RFID, the screen will read Enter Passcode and requires Users to enter their 4-digit passcode or scan their RFID card (if applicable).
Logging: Turns dispense log recording on and off.
Language: Sets the default language that the controller will revert to each time it is rebooted.
Units: Imperial (Gal, oz) or Metric (L, ml)
Version #: Identifies the software version installed
Built On: Identifies the date when the unit was created.
For more information please contact us.