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"The Best in the Industry" - BLX-800 Boot Scrubber Case Study from Kunzler & Company

Date of Purchase:




Food Processing, Meat


Lancaster, PA

Kunzler & Company is a large Pennsylvania-based meat company. We purchased our first Clean Logix BLX Walk Through Boot Scrubber 6 years ago. Our previous boot scrubbers had been giving us problems. Reliability, parts, and customer service was mediocre at best. A decision was made to purchase our first Clean Logix Boot Scrubber.

Our Maintenance Team likes the boot scrubber because it never stops working.

Our first BLX 800 Boot Scrubber was an instant success. The boot scrubber was very safe to use. Our Sanitation Team found the boot scrubber easy to take apart and clean. Our Quality Assurance Team appreciated our micro improvements. Swabs taken from employee’s work boots showed better results. Our Maintenance Team likes the boot scrubber because it never stops working. Our first Clean Logix Boot Scrubber turned out to be a real workhorse. The decision was made to purchase 4 additional Clean Logix Boot Scrubbers. hollow parts or harborage areas for meat residue collection and reliability make it, [in] our opinion, the best in the industry.

Currently, we have 5 Clean Logix BLX 800 Boot Scrubbers in our facilities. All 5 boot scrubbers are workhorses that are very dependable, safe, and an excellent business investment. The boot scrubber’s small and compact footprint, no hollow parts or harborage areas for meat residue collection, and reliability make it, [in] our opinion, the best in the industry.


Bill Chirdon

Kunzler & Company Director FSQA


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